Monday, February 11, 2008

3rd post: Just the memories

Ok. I've come to the conclusion that chances are I'm not going to finish the cases. A) There's nine days (heck yeah) 'til AJ comes out. B) My massive procrastination has overtaken me once again. -_-' This is coming from the person that got T&T, got through the first three cases, then left it for a month or two before remembering it. So, I'be decided to work off of my (somewhat faulty) memory for the cases. Joy.
1-3-Yes. I never did like this case. As I believe I've said, it just felt like too much of a filler instead of an actual case-although, I must admit, you can't really follow up 1-1 and 1-2 with out feeling like that. But the writers could've tried a tiny bit harder with it. However, I do like the ending quite a bit-I must admit, it was a nice feeling going up against (WARNING MASSIVE SPOILER FOR 1-3 COMING UP)Dee Vasquez(END SPOILER). Very satisfying way to end the case. I mean, yes, they totally broke down, but it was nice to see a villian like that-smart and cool under pressure. I wish they designed the character a bit differently, though...I'm not liking the clothing. But that's just me.
Next up-1-4. Yes, I'm sorry that it's not a longer post, but...I'd like to try and put all the longer cases by themselves. How I loathe my obsessiveness sometimes.

Friday, February 8, 2008

2nd post-recap of 1-1, 1-2, and the first part of 1-3.

GAH. Evil memory. I totally didn't remember this post. Ok, this is technically supposed to be the second post, instead of the one about 1-3. Grrrrr...

Yes. I lied. I didn't start posting on the third day...evil tackling schoolwork. At least the bulk of it is done. So I guess recaping starts now...

1-1-Ah. The nostalgia of 1-1 is nearly killing me. I actually didn't think it'd take more than 20 minutes-I guess I was wrong on that account. *sweat drop* It was easy (as expected-I've replayed that case at least two times), but also enjoyable. I love having Mia alive again. It's such a nice feeling~ *coughcoughfavoritecharacterfangirlingcoughcough*

1-2-I forgot how epic that case was. Of course, playing it at 12-1 AM didn't allow me to fully remember how epic it was, but it gave me a taste. I have to say, it was a satisfying way to end the day (or begin, depending on how you look at it). Seeing Redd White collapse was and still is a high point of the series, for me. The smug jerk...*angry mumbling*

1-3-Ugh. I didn't like this case much during my first playthrough. I can't tell you why, just feels a bit too much like a filler case. Especially when it's going up against 2-3 and 3-3. But I guess it's used more for introducing Maya a bit more (we only see her in her depressed-I'm-being-charged-with-murder phase, which I personally like a bit more, but that's just me) than anything.

I need to play 1-4. And 1-5. Ngh...urgh. *sweat* And 2-1...EPIC PLAYTHROUGH WEEKEND, STARTING NOW. I guess long car trips really help in this.

Friday, February 1, 2008

1st post-the Countdown begins!

Hello, and welcome to all. My name is Super Muffin (my name on Court Records, an amazing Ace Attorney fansite), and I have decided to participate in their Countdown to Justice. Info-
Join in on a case by case playthrough of Ace Attorney 1-3 - one case a day (two for the longer ones)! Blog your thoughts while playing, write about the case or PW/AJ in general, or just join in the gaming fun sans the reflections. If we gather a list of people who will be blogging, then everyone can read each others' thoughts and be ultra pumped for the fourth game. :D
Feb 2: 1-1
Feb 3: 1-2
Feb 4: 1-3
Feb 5: 1-4
Feb 6: 1-5 PART 1
Feb 7: 1-5 PART 2
Feb 8: 2-1
Feb 9: 2-2
Feb 10: 2-3
Feb 11: 2-4 PART 1
Feb 12: 2-4 PART 2
Feb 13: 3-1
Feb 14: 3-2
Feb 15: 3-3
Feb 16: 3-4
Feb 17: 3-5 PART 1
Feb 18: 3-5 PART 2
Even though (due to massive amounts of school work) I won't be following the exact schedule. My playthrough will start on the 3rd-hopefully, all my stuff will be done. Expect game related posts in two days.